mathjspy - A Python library evaluate expressions in the same manner as MathJS.

Author:Adam Morris
Source code:
Generated:May 09, 2014


mathjspy is a Python library evaluate mathematical expressions in the same manner as MathJS.

The purpose is to allow calculation of expressions in python that are consistent with what is calculated through MathJS.

Many thanks to MathJS for their hard work in developing an excellent mathematical expression interpreter.

How to Contribute Code

Any help will be greatly appreciated, just follow those steps:

1. Please start a new fork ( for each independent feature, don’t try to fix all problems at the same time, it’s easier for those who will review and merge your changes ;-)

2. Hack hack hack

3. Don’t forget to add unit tests for your changes ! (YES, even if it’s a one-liner, or there is a high probability your work will not be taken into consideration). There are plenty of examples in the /test directory if you lack know-how or inspiration.

4. If you added a whole new feature, or just improved something, you can be proud of it, so add yourself to the AUTHORS file :-)

5. Let people know about the shiny thing you just implemented, update the docs !

6. When it’s done, just issue a pull request (click on the large “pull request” button on your repository) and wait for your code to be reviewed, and, if you followed all theses steps, merged into the main repository.

This is an open-source project, maintained by volunteers on their spare time, so while we try to work on this project as often as possible, sometimes life gets in the way. Please be patient.

Other ways to help

There are several ways to contribute, even if you can’t code (or can’t code well):

  • adding bugs on the bug tracker: closing bugs that have already been closed, are not relevant, cannot be reproduced, ...
  • updating documentation in virtually every area: many large features have been added (mainly about charts and images at the moment) but without any documentation, it’s pretty hard to do anything with it
  • proposing compatibility fixes for different versions of Python: we support 2.6 to 3.3, so if it does not work on your environment, let us know :-)


The best method to install mathjspy is using a PyPi client such as easy_install (setuptools) or pip. It is advisable to do this in a Python virtualenv without system packages:

$ pip install mathjspy


$ easy_install mathjspy


To install from sources (there is nothing to build, mathjspy is 100% pure Python), you can download an archive from bitbucket (look in the “tags” tab).

After extracting the archive, you can do:

$ python install

Getting the source

Source code is hosted on You can get it using a Mercurial client and the following URLs:

  • $ hg clone -r 0.0.1

or to get the latest development version:

  • $ hg clone

Usage examples

Indices and tables